God has blessed us with a baby boy through the miracle of embryo adoption. Follow us as we embark on a new journey - one as parents!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
All Things Landon - 17 Months Old
Those who told us that before we knew it Landon would be graduating high school, really knew what they were talking about! Landon is 17 months old (as of July 3). No longer is he my tiny baby boy, but now my (tiny) big boy.
Landon's First Detroit Tiger's Game |
He really has grown up so much over these last few months. He amazes me everyday with either a new word, imitating Todd or I, a new dance move or just simply being his sweet self. It is such a privilege to be a parent - Getting to watch this little person grow and learn - I thank GOD that he has given me the opportunity everyday :)
Snack Time! |
Current Stats (or close to it):
- Height: 30.25 inches (at 15 months)
- Weight: 22 pounds, 9 ounces
- Diaper: Size 3 during the day, Size 4 at night
- Clothing: Mostly 12-18 months, some 2T shirts and pajamas
- Shoe: Size 4.5
- Bedtime: 8PM - 7AM
- Nap: 12PM - 3PM
Here are some of the big milestones since I last posted (in February):
- First Steps (unassisted): 11 Months Old
- Officially Walking: 13 Months Old
- Teeth: 15
- First Word: Da = Dog
- Words: 41 that he uses consistently - Daddy, Mommy, Dog, Broom, Balloon, Bye, Down, Done, Yes, Pizza, Grace, No, Sock, Ball, Shoe, Stick, Toe, Base, Shut, Soap, Star, See, Ow, Moo, Gracie, More, Meow, Sss..., Oh, Knock-knock, Zoo, Get, Egg, Bird, Baby, Night-Night, Nose, Ravioli, Cheese, Elmo, Softball (boy, does this kid talk!)
- Phrases: Oh no!, Get down
- Can go up and down stairs without assistance (16 months)
- Following 1-3 step directions
- Animal Sounds: moo, meow, sss...
- Can identify 2 body parts: Nose, Ear
- Independently eats with a fork, working with eating with a spoon
- Will repeat an action if it made you laugh the first time
- First Two-Syllable Word: Baseball
- Waves bye-bye
- Blows kisses
Sweet Boy - Can open the front door
- Independently plays by himself
- Washes his hands and dries them
- Brushes his teeth
- First chore: Feed Gracie (he goes to the pantry, gets her dish and food, fills it up and then carries it over to her mat - it is quite cute)
- Knows where the recycling goes
- Dances to music
- Sings in the backseat of the car
- Can pretend (brush his teeth or our teeth, making soup, drinking from a cup, talking on the phone)
- Booster Seat as of today - no more highchair
- Gives kisses and hugs
- Last bottle was on his first birthday
- Knows where to go when it is snack time
- Dips his chips in salsa (including tapping of the extra)
- Baseball
The Kids - Elmo
- The Wiggles
- Music
- Dancing
- Cars
- Fruit
- Corn-on-the-cob
- Anything to do with water
- Dogs
- Pizza
- Being outside
- Fruit and Veggie Smoothies
- Entertaining others
- Sitting still
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
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