Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 11, 2010

Rest Assured

After much prayer and talking with the nurse at great lengths several times yesterday, I am good. Dr. Keenan is not at all concerned that my BETA did not double for three reasons. One, the first BETA was so high. Two, while they like to see the number double in 48 hours, it can actually take 48-72 hours to see this happen. Three, it did increase 65%. As for the estrogen, he is not concerned with this either since I am taking Estrace, 2mg, 2x daily. Yea!

On to other news: We will be 5 weeks this Saturday with our first u/s scheduled for Monday, June 21! Since my cycle was controlled with the Lupron, using the date of my last menstrual cycle would not have given us an accurate due date. The nurse used the last day of Lupron to calculate our DD giving us a due date of February 12, 2011. Oh my...this is all starting to seem more real :)

Since Todd and I are both teachers we have the summers off. Last summer we started Summer Date Days. One day a week we go on a date. We do something different each week. Today is our first Summer Date Day of 2010. We are going to pick up Quiznos in Nashville and eat in Centennial Park followed by a movie and some shopping. I love date days!


  1. Hooray! I can't wait to hear the good news on the 21st! I also hope the baby(ies) are born on Valentine's Day - best Vday present ever. xoxo

  2. Great to hear you're doing well! We'll be praying for the baby (or babies?)!!! Take care and enjoy your summer off.

  3. That's great news - Can't wait to find out if you're having 1, 2, or 3 babies!? :)

  4. Great news! Can't wait to hear the results from the u/s. Enjoy your date!!

  5. Congratulations on your BFP and great Beta Numbers. Our appointment with the RE is June 21, too! Can't wait to see how many babies are in there!

  6. Hi I found your blog through another blog and am always looking for fellow donor embryo mommies.I have a 6 month old that I conceived using a donor embryo and welcome you to follow our journey too if you would like.We have more embies that we will be using for another cycle when the time is right. Congrats on the pregnancy! -Megan

  7. Congrats on your pregnancy! I had the same thing happen with the BETA's not doubling with my first EA in 2007. The best explanation that my OB could come up with is that we had maybe started out with multiples (we transferred 3) and had a "vanishing twin". An ultrasound at about 5-1/2 weeks showed a gestational sac with a yolk sac and a possible second gestational sac. We ended up having a healthy singleton pregnancy.

    Next week I think you'll get to see the lovely heartbeat(s)!!

  8. Hi Lisa, Just found your blog. Congratulations! This is so exciting! I will be following your journey! Yay!
